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Many things tend to block us in the one place we know well and jumping into

the void has never been so exciting. It’s something that makes our legs

tremble, our tongues dry, but it’s the only way we can learn to fly and

understand that we’re alive.

This is what 15 artists have done, divided into three artistic groups: illustrators, graphic designers and photographers / video-making. They took a deep breath, took a run and jumped into the void. And we’re glad they did.

The 15 artists participated in the #VUOTO project organized by Francesco Caporale in arte FRA! at the municipality of #Altomonte in the province of Caserta from 7 to 14 September 2020. The project aims to unite young #emergingartists who are not afraid to give free rein to their imagination, celebrating the beauties of Calabria, FRA's country of origin! For study and work reasons, Francesco moves to the north and often feels: "In Calabria there is no work and there is nothing... is empty". This word shakes him so much that he decided to do something for his land. In fact, he decided to bring something special to "his home".

Today we live in a context where empty space is no longer contemplated but there is always the need to fill it with different content. In the void, there are no rules, limits and barriers but the imagination reigns supreme. The team of illustrators comprising of, @ilbaffogram, @gio_quasirosso has produced 10 artwork on large panels positioned along the historic center of the village giving greater visibility to the territory of Altomonte.

Illustrators who participated in the project, like FRA! They have a big responsibility when they’re holding the pencil. Unlike words, they leave less room for lies. There is no possibility of cheating. Mistakes are allowed, you can also delete and start again. You can play with colors, you can create shadow games. And finally, those same images are loaded with a great state of mind. But where do the lines of the illustrators lead? Often not even the artists know it, but they let themselves be transported like a river in flood by this strong energy in color.

Follow them on instagram to stay updated.

Article by

Vivian Di Lorenzo & Sara Greta Vignati


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