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Music, one word many meanings. Music is also an essential part of FRANK’s life, a singer songwriter from Padua who is working on a new album made of deep and original lyrics and catchy sonorities. Willing, passion and perseverance are three important components of FRANK’s work.

Music artist FRANK

Tell us a little about you. Who are you? What do you do in your life?

I’m Mattia Orlandini, my artist name is FRANK, I’m 24 and at the moment I live in Padua. I just got a degree in foreign languages at the university of my hometown. I’m making a record and I’m about to finish it. It’s going to be a CD of originals.

How was the FRANK project born?

FRANK. I’ve always been writing songs, and this led me to continue my path in music. The end of that band was the start of FRANK.

Music artist FRANK with his guitar

Why did you choose the name FRANK?

I didn’t choose this name, people did. A friend of mine started to call me Frank out of nowhere. The main reason is because I used to wear Lampard’s jersey during P.E. in the middle school. Since my friend started to call me Frank, so did the others. Of course, it was my decision to keep it.

What is your inspiration when you write songs? How do you approach with songs?

I can’t answer to the question. I mean, from my point of view there’s no answer. The fact is that inspiration comes every time in different ways and that’s because I love so much writing songs and producing new music. It’s always a new experience. I usually write late at night. Ideas come to my mind mostly at night. Sometimes I write the whole lyric of a song before doing the arrangement but other times I do the opposite thing. It depends on how I feel. If the idea is that strong or needs to be developed.

Music artist FRANK with a keyboard

Do you think people can find themselves in your songs?

What I write is something I lived somehow, I try to use a language that is understandable by the majority. I think people can find themselves in my music. It’s all a matter of mood. If you can create a sort of dimension with a song then people can step right into that dimension, can feel what you feel in their own way.

You are working on an album. Are there some differences with your previous song “Crisi d’astinenza”? In your opinion, will you surprise your listeners?

There’s a huge difference between the song I released and the upcoming album, both in the sound and the lyrics. There’s a powerful identity in it, but this is something people will decide. The only thing I can say is that in a way or another, people will be surprised by the album, no one imagine what is like. The CD is the result of an evolution of life.

“Crisi d’astinenza” is the first single released by FRANK. The video was filmed in Rome.

In your YouTube channel you are editing a lot of covers, each of them rearranged. Tell me something about this.

I’m publishing two videos per week. I’m having a lot of fun covering songs with my style and sound. I’m doing it to give people something to listen to, something that comes from me and in a way reflects what my music is going to be.

What kind of goals do you want to reach with your music?

I hope my upcoming album will impact on people as hard as possible. I hope it will make people dream about their lives as already does with me. The best goal for an artist is to take the listener into his same dimension, and this is my main goal. A person streams or buys a song or a CD only if it means something to him/her, understanding is the point. Understanding a song and its lyrics means understanding ourselves.

Music artist FRANK close shot

Music artist FRANK singing on stage

Why do you think people should listen to your music?

It’s always difficult to answer this kind of questions. I think people should listen to my music because sincerity is all I have and I want to share it. I try my best to be as sincere as possible, crystal clear with my listeners and people in general. I think this is the key for a good record.

What do you think future has in store for you?

Nobody knows, but I’m sure that hard work always pays you back. Obviously this is not the only thing needed but it’s a big part of the whole. What I hope for my future is to be heard by tons of people and listeners that can find themselves in what I write in my songs. This is the best thing I could get from my future.

"I hope my upcoming album will impact on people as hard as possible. I hope it will make people dream about their lives as already does with me."

Follow Frank and his music on instagram.

Article by

Sara Orlandini



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