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With a big part of the earth’s population in home isolation, public meetings on lockdown and art events, concerts, festivals canceled across the board and without a certain date of its reprogramming or opening; which are the alternatives to remain sane, busy and enjoy this time at home?

Here are our selection of things you can do:

1. Virtual museum tours

Several museums around the world have started to offer to their online audience free insanely good virtual tours across their exhibitions and archives. Here, some of the best museums you can explore from the comfort of your sofa.

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York York

The inside of Guggenheim Museum in New york

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Visited by millions every year, the Gugg museum in New York offers, through Google Arts & Culture, an interior street view showcasing its postmodern, conceptual and installation art collection.

Get the virtual Guggenheim tour.

Musée d’Orsay, Paris

The crowded hall of Musée d’Orsay, Paris

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The iconic Parisian museum, constructed inside an old train station, can also be visited through the Arts & Culture platform, in there you can visit van Gogh, Cézanne, Degas, Monet among other exhibitions.

Museum of Modern Art, New York

Some visitors at Museum of modern art in new york

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Collections of the MoMA are available online and grouped into categories such as contemporary art, Modernist art and Cubism. Visit the museum through Google Arts & Culture.

NASA museum

An old plane esposed at the NASA museum

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Through the NASA platform, you can take a free tour inside the Langley Research Center in Virginia, as well as of Ohio’s Glenn Research Center .

The National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne

 A statue and two artworks at The National Gallery of Victoria, Melbo

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The Australian museum announced that it has launched a virtual tour of its landmark “Kaws: Companionship in the age of loneliness” exhibition and will be available online until April 13, 2020 in the official NVG website. Check out the exhibition here.

2. Start the course you always wanted to do

Now is the perfect time to learn or improve our skills in those specific topics we always wanted to, but never could, because of busy schedules.

Platforms such as Skillshare, offer free or premium subscription to access thousands of courses which are focused on interaction rather than lecturing, with the primary goal of learning by completing your own project.

A man taking lessons online

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Others such as Coursera and edX have partnership with world recognised universities and companies like Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Google and IBM and offer all kind of courses that you can take for free.

3. Streaming concerts on Instagram live

Most of the concerts planned for this season were cancelled worldwide, but that doesn’t mean we cannot hear and see our favourite singers performing. Global citizen in partnership with the World Health Organization have joined efforts to bring music to everyone through Instagram live video sessions with the campaign #TogetherAtHome. Similarly, other artists are recording themselves and sharing their content through IGVT.

Some artist that have join the campaign are:

Christine & The Queens

Starting last week, Christine has shared on her instagram account different songs and has joined other artists through the hashtag #togetherathome.

Here her last IGTV video.

Giant Rocks

Understanding the real meaning of #togetherinthedistance, the group Giant Rocks recorded each of themselves form their homes to play together.

Chris Martin

The first non-contact concert published by Global Citizen was with the Coldplay singer Chris Martin about two weeks ago, since then 24 singers have made their own house concerts.

4. All family TikTok challenges

When being at home starts to be pretty boring for all family members, tiktok dancing challenges come to the rescue. Between rehearsals and recording the final video version, you can spend more than one afternoon. Here some of our favs:

For which one are you up to?

5. Move your ass, 30 min a day is enough

We’re not saying that you have to run a marathon in your balcony (even if is possible) but at least 30 min a day of an online routine is enough to keep yourself active. Websites like NHS offer Fitness Studio exercise videos to maintain yourself active everyday.

Also, the athletes of the postponed Tokyo 2020 olympic games, are sharing their exercise routines through the official olympic game instagram acount.

So what are you waiting for ? Get started and tell us in the comments, if you have more ideas to share with fellow clan members.

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